2003 International Ash Utilization Symposium on October 20-22, 2003 in Lexington, USA
The 2003 International Ash Utilization Symposium will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, USA on October 20-22, 2003.
Please find the last information of CAER:
If you are coming:
1. We STRONGLY encourage you to make your hotel reservation NOW. (The racing season in Lexington increases the demand for hotel rooms in October.)
2. The registration fee goes UP after September 2nd - that is only 7 weeks away, so register NOW to save money.
The Keynote Speakers will be:
1. Dr. M. R. Jones, Head of the Division of Civil Engineering at the University of Dundee, Scotland
2. Mr. Carl Bauer, Associate Director of the Office of Coal and Environmental Systems at the U. S. Dept. of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory
For more information about the Symposium and about the Short Course that precedes it, follow these links:
2003 IAUS homepage: http://www.flyash.org/2003/iaushome.html
Attendee information: http://www.flyash.org/2003/attend/attendee.html
Exhibitor information: http://www.flyash.org/2003/exhibit/exhibit.html
Sponsor information: http://www.flyash.org/2003/exhibit/sponsorinfo.html
Agenda overview: http://www.flyash.org/2003/agenda/agenda.html
A short course, "The Science of Ash Utilization": http://www.flyash.org/2003/attend/shortcourse.html
Barton A. Thomas Memorial Award: http://www.flyash.org/2003/award/award.html
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions -
If you want your name deleted from the IAUS mailing list, please reply to mailto:gtremoulet@caer.uky.edu with the word REMOVE in the subject line.
Gretchen Tremoulet
University of Kentucky
Center for Applied Energy Research
2540 Research Park Drive
Lexington, KY 40511-8410, USA
Phone: 859-257-0355
Fax: 859-257-0360
Email: gtremoulet@caer.uky.edu
IAUS website: http://www.flyash.org
Ash Library website: http://www.flyash.info
Joachim Feuerborn from 2003-07-14