lastest News

EUROCOALASH 2025 - SAVE THE DATE! (2024-05-20)


ASHTRANS 2024 - Annoucement (2024-04-12)


International Conference on Cementitious Materials 18th/19th April 2024 (2024-02-09)


Coal Ash Matters - ADAA released new journal (2023-11-26)


World of Coal Ash 2024 - Deadline for abstracts extended (2023-11-13)


| Future | Former |


The ASHTRANS 2024 conference will be held 2/3 September 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. More information you will find here

World of Coal Ash 2024

The World of Coal Ash Conference will be held May 13-16, 2024 in Grand Rapids (MI), USA. Further Information will be find here

International Conference on Cementitious Materials

The Cementitious Materials International Technical and Trade Congress (EMEA and Americas) will take place April 18 and 19, 2024 in Casablanca, Morocco! More infomation you will find here

ASHTRANS 2023 safe the date

The ASHTRANS 2023 will be held 4/5 September 2023 in Rome/Italy.

Further information will be available with

NTCC Non-Tradional Cement and Concrete conference - June 2023 - invitaiton

The 7th International Conference Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete, June 25-28, 2023, Brno, Czech Republic. The deadline for the call for paper is 31 December 2022. More information ia available with


The EUROCOALASH 2023 conference will be held on 22nd to 24th May 2023 in Warsaw/Poland. 

The invitation and the programme has recently been released by the Polish CCP Union in cooperation with ECOBA as co-organiser and the Warsaw University of Technology.

Interested parteis are invited to participate the conference: We are looking forward to meeting you in Warsaw


MINEX Europe Forum offers a vibrant platform for the dissemination of innovative technologies and promoting investment opportunities and best practices for mining and exploration across Europe.

The previous MINEX Europe Forums have been held in Austria, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria. These Forums have brought together local mining communities and international companies to facilitate cross-border dialogue on developing sustainable mining industries across Europe. 

The 6th MINEX Europe Mining and Exploration Forum will be held on 5 – 7 July 2022 in Tirana, Albania focusing on Sustainable Mining in Western Balkans and wider Europe.

More information is available at the MINEX EUROPE 2022 website

World of Coal Ash 2022

The World of Coal Ash 2021 was postponed and will now be held May 16-19 2022. The draft programme is released.

More information are available with


The EUROCOALASH2021 will be hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 2nd to 4th November 2021. The conference will be organized by the Laboratory of Building Materials of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and ECOBA - the European Coal Combustion Products Association.


•The Challenge of Decarbonation Era and Energy Production

•Legal frames associated with Management of Ashes, CCP(s) and other by-products

•Global market of Ashes, CCP(s) and other industrial by-products

•Recovery of Ashes, CCP(s) and Processing

•Current Uses of Ashes and CCP(s) in construction industry

•Concrete and advanced concrete products

•Environmental impact of concrete with ashes and other by-products

EUROCOALASH is an international conference for promoting the use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in the construction industry in Europe and all over the world. The Conference aims to bring together participants from industry, research and academic backgrounds. The first day, 2 November 2021, is devoted to one day WORKSHOP on recent advances in research and technology on CCPs. Young researchers/PhD students are encouraged to present their research in progress on the topics of the conference. The following days, 3-4 November 2021, are devoted to the Presentations of the conference. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, all necessary adjustments will be made in order to meet health guidelines and possible alternatives have been foreseen. We will endeavor to organize a safe and successful conference, celebrating also the 30-year anniversary of ECOBA. For more information please visit the ECA2021 website


ASHTRANS 2021, the international meeting platform for ash and solid fuel byproducts, will be held 6th/7th September 2021 in Copenhagen/Denmark. The programme and details for registration is available at the ASHTRANS website

ASHTRANS 2020 - Virtual Platform meeting

On 28th October 2020, ASHTRANS 2020, the international meeting platform for ash and solid fuel byproducts, will be held as a virtual conference. Ashtrans Europe connects over 100 producers and users of all by-products from the energy industry, in addition to traders and service providers, for discussion and debate. Bringing together our traditional Ashtrans Europe community, and welcoming new Ash experts from across a wider geographical reach through digital. More information is available with

October 21-22, 2019

The ASHTRANS Europe conference will be held on October 21-22 in Lisbon, Portugal.

More information you will find here

October 8-10, 2019

The XXVI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – ASHES FROM POWER GENERATION - will be held in Sopot, Poland, from 08-10.10.2019.

More information you will find here

October 7-8, 2019

The 5th Hellenic Conference on the "Utilization of By-Products in Construction" will be held in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 7-8 October 2019.

More information is available here

June 25-27, 2019

The 4th Mining & Exploration (MINEX) Forum entitled "The Future of Sustainable Mining in the Balkans and Beyond" will be held June 25-27, 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Further information you will find here

June 10-12, 2019

The EUROCOALASH 2019 will be held June 10-12, 2019 in Dundee, Scotland/UK.

For more information see

May 13-16, 2019

The World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA) will be held May 13-16, 2019 in St. Louis (MO, USA).

For more information see

October 14-16,2018

The ASHTRANS 2018 conference will be held in Barcelona/Spain on October 14-16. ASHTRANS serves as meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading. More information is available with

October 16-18, 2018

The XXV International UPS Conference "Ashes from Power Generation" will be held October 16-18, 2018 in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland.

For more information see

September 15-18, 2018

CAA2018 - Coal Ash Asia 2018. The 8th annual Coal Ash Asia event will be held from 12-15 September 2018 in Shouzhou City, Shanxi Province, China. The conference is to explore innovation in research and technology, as well as industry and markets trends concerning:

1.Coal Ash Processing and Utilization: grinding, classifying and superfine grinding, cement, concrete, wall materials, geopolymers, high value utilisation, ceramics, cenospheres, fillers, calcium sulpho aluminate, proppants.

2.FGD Gypsum: drying and calcination, construction applications, blocks boards, mortar, agricultural applications, high strength gypsum.

3.Coal Gangue and Coal Chemical Residue: processing and utilization.

4.Metal Extraction: aluminium and other metal extraction best practices and methods.

The conference is to power station managers, ash and other CCP managers, academic institutes, researchers, building material manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, land reclamation engineers, logistics providers. investors, government officials, trade associations.

More information:

Public consultation on the interface between product and waste legislation

On July 23, 2018 the public consultation addressing the interface between chemical, product and waste legislation was started by the EC. The consultation builds upon the Commission's analysis of the Interface in the Communication published on 16th January 2018 and has the objective of assessing the reaction of stakeholders to the different options and questions posed in regard to the four main issues described in the Communication and accompanying Staff Working Document. The consultation is open by October 29, 2018.

More information and the questionnaire is available with

May 11, 2018

The 3rd International ROMCEN Conference "Production and use of fly ash in construction industry" will be held on 11th May 2018 in Bukarest, Romania. The conference is to update on issues for collection, transport and storage as well as on developments in the use of ashes, especially for road construction. It is to bring together expert from the power and the building sector, from research and regulations.

April 19-20, 2018

The VI International Conference "Coal Ash – Removal, Transport, Processing, Disposal" will be held by the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) on April 19-20, 2018 in Moscow, Russia. The conference call and first information is given in the attached annoucement (1_call-eng_210617.pdf). Further information is available at the conference website:

October 26-27, 2017

The ASHTRANS 2017 conference will be held in Barcelona/Spain on October 26-27. ASHTRANS serves as meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading. More information is available with

October 25-27, 2017

The XXIV International UPS Conference "Ashes from Power Generation" will be held October 25-27, 2017 in Sopot, Poland. For more information see

September 23-24, 2017

The China International CCP Conference will be held September 23-24, 2017 in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province, China. More information is available with

July 5-10, 2017

The Coal Ash Asia Conference 2017 will be held July 5-10 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China. See for more information.

May 8-11, 2017

The World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA) will be held May 8-11, 2017 in Lexington, Kentucky For more information see

February 6-8, 2017

The EuroCoalAsh 2017 — Innovations in Power Plant Technology and CCP Utilization will be held in Brno, Czech Republic, on 6-8th February 2017. For more information see

January 13-14, 2017

The Asia Pacific Conclave 2017 will be held January 13-14 in Kolkata, India to discuss on dry bottom ash extraction systems and its effective utilization and technical advances in coal combustion products and emissions. For details see:

October 17/18, 2016

The ASHTRANS 2016 conference will be held in Lisbon/Portugal on October 17/18, 2016. ASHTRANS serves as meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading. More information is available here

September 23-26, 2016

The next Coal Ash Asia 2016 conference will be held on September 23 to 26 in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, China. Conference details are available here.

September 21-24,2015

The Coal Ash Asia Conference will be held September 21st to 24th Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, China. Conference details are avilable here

September 7/8, 2015

The ASHTRANS 2015 conference will be held in Copenhagen on September 7-8, 2015. ASHTRANS serves as meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading. More information is available here

May 4-7, 2015

The World of Coal Ash (WOCA) conference 2015 will be held May 4-7 in in Nashville, Tennessee, US.

WOCA is an international conference organized by the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) and the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The 2015 conference will mark the two organizations' sixth joint biennial meeting. It will again focus on the science, applications and sustainability of coal ash worldwide. As such, it will encompass all aspects of coal combustion products (CCP's) as well as gasification products.

The WOCA organizers invites to submit an abstract for consideration for WOCA 2015. The deadline is November 10, 2014. For more information see the World of Coal Ash website

October 22-24, 2014

The XIX International UPS Conference will be held October 22-24, 2014 in Zakopane, Poland. For more information see

October 13-15, 2014

The EUROCOALASH 2014 will be held October 13-15, 2014 in Munich, Germany.

To guarantee information on most recent developments for coal ash and desulphurisation product uses this conference is addressed to all parties in and outside Europe actively involved or interested in coal ash activities, from production, utilisation, regulation as well as research. For more information see Invitation_Programm_EUROCOALASH2014.pdf and Registration_form_EUROCOALASH_2014.pdf.

Furthermore, a "Fly Ash Research Workshop" will be held October 13, 2014 in Munich, before the EUROCOALASH conference. The Research Workshop on "Durability of Fly Ash Concrete" is organised to allow especially face to face discussion of young researchers about ongoing or recently finished research projects. The programme and registration form is attached: RESEARCH_Workshop_Invitation_Programme.pdf, Research_Workshop_Registration.pdf.

More information for conference and workshop is available with

September 23-37, 2014

Coal Ash Asia 2014 will be held September 23-27, 2014 in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, China. The conference brings together global industry leaders to share knowledge and develop highest value solutions for managing and utilising Coal Combustion Products.

More information is available with:

September 1-2, 2014

The ASHTRANS 2014 conference will be held in Berlin, Germany on 1-2 September, 2014.

ASHTRANS is the international meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading.

More informaiton is available with

June 24-25, 2014

ROMCEN, the Romanian Professional Association of Producers and Users of Fly Ash invites to the 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE which will be on June 24-25 in Calimanesti, ROMANIA.
The invitation is attached (INVITATIE_engleza_Romcen_9.04.2014.pdf). Deadline for submission of abstracts is May 30, 2014.

May 27-29, 2014

On May 27 - 29,  2014 the National Coal Ash Board of Israel invites to the International Workshop on Agricultural Coal Ash Uses (WACAU 2014). The workshop will be held in the Agricultrual Center in Beg Dagan.

The final programm is aviable with

April 24-25, 2014

The V International Conference "Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, storage" will be held by the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) on April, 24-25, 2014 in Moscow, Russia.

The conference details are given in the attached annoucement (2_извещение-англ-190214.pdf) and programm (Программа-англ-110214.pdf). Full information is available at the conference website:

September 2-3, 2013

The ASHTRANS 2013 conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2-3 September, 2013. ASHTRANS is the international meeting platform for Byproducts logistic and trading.

Ashes mainly from coal combustion are commercially traded commodities. With the transition in Europe towards more renewable energy supply, the need for traders, suppliers, users, shippers, brokers and haulers, to meet and exchange ideas related to logistics and find commercial arrangements become even more pronounced. Therefore the ASHTRANS conference is intended as a platform for commercial meetings to exchange views and to meet with potential commercial partners for setting up deals or just to evaluate new possibilities.

The conference is arranged to facilitate just that and at the same time offers presentations about market relevant issues. Therefore the conference is of commercial interest for producers and users of all byproducts from the energy industry as well as for the Building material industry and the transportation industry. The same interest applies to traders of these products and those who engage in any kind of transportation and logistic solutions related to the products of interest. The conference may also be relevant for certifying bodies, authorities and environmental interested parties, as well as deposition plant companies.

More informaiton is avialbel with

April 22-25, 2013

The World of Coal Ash (WOCA) conference 2013 will be held April 22-25 in Lexington, Kentucky, US. The WOCA organizers invites to submit an abstract for consideration for WOCA 2013. Topics include: - regulatory initiatives - new and emerging technologies - case studies - applications ... The deadline for the Call for Papers is November 1, 2012. For more information see the World of Coal Ash website

January 28-30, 2013

The ACCTA 2013 - the international conference on Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa - will be held January 28-30, 2013 in Johannesburg. The deadline for abstracts is March 30, 2012.

For more information see the FINAL ACCTA 2013 BROCHURE.pdf.

November 6-9, 2012

The Coal Ash Asia 2012 conference will be held on November 6-9, 2012 in Nanjing, China. The deadline for abstracts is August 15, 2012.

Please find attached the Coal Ash Asia Brochure.pdf. More information is available with:

October 24-26, 2012

The XIX International Conference "Ashes from Power Generation 2012" will be held October 24-26, 2012 in Sopot, Poland. More information will soon be available.

September 25-27, 2012

The EUROCOALASH 2012 conference will be held September 25-27 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Please find attached the "call for papers". (See attached file: EUROCOALASH2012_Call for papers.pdf)

For more information see the EUROCOALASH website.

September 24-26, 2012

BIT Congress Inc. initiated the 1st Annual International Symposium of Clean Coal Technology 2012 (CCT-2012). The conference will be held September 24-26, 2012 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China. For more information regarding CCT-2012, please visit our conference website at

July 9-11, 2012

The 8th International Conference "Concrete in the Low Carbon Era" will be held July 9-11, 2012 in Dundee, United Kingdom

For more information

June 21/22, 2012

The XVI Congress of ERMCO - the European Ready Mixed Concrete Organisation - will be held on June 21/22, 2012 in VERONA, Italy.

The draft programme covers the following items:
- Fighting the crisis
- Infrastructures as a tool for economic and social growth: experiences and programs compared
- Urban development and renewal of European cities
- The ready-mixed concrete market in Europe: scenarios 2012-2015
- Ready-mixed concrete - a sustainable material
- The operating structure of a concrete production company
- Product evolution

More information on the programme you will find with

April 19-20, 2012

The IV International Scientific and Practical Workshop “Ashes from TPPs –removal, transport, processing, landfilling” will be held on April 19-20, 2012 in Moscow, Russia.

Please find attached the 1st workshop call. (See attached file: 1call-англ-171111.pdf)

Further information is available at

January 25-27, 2012

Värmeforsk, the Swedish Thermal Engineering Research Association, organises a conference on Ash Utilsiation 2012 - Ashes in a Sustainable Society. The conference will be held January 25-27, 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Värmeforsk has an ongoing research programm regarding ash utilisation. The focus is the use of ashes from biomass combustion. More information is available at:

October 19-22, 2011

The XVIII International Conference "Ashes from Power Generation 2011" will be held October 19-22, 2011 in Zakopane, Poland.

More information will soon be available.

September 25-29, 2011

The 6th Dubrovnik Conference on "Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems" (SWEDES) will be held September 25 – 29, 2011 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. A special technical session of invited papers will deal with Utilization of industrial by-products towards sustainability. ECOBA members will report within that special session. For further information see:

September 12, 2011

The Cement and Concrete Science 2011, Novel Developments and Innovation in Cementitious Materials will be held on September 12, 2011 at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept of Imperial College in London, United Kingdom

June 8-10, 2011

The Fib Symposium – Concrete Engineering for Excellence and Efficiency will be held June 8-10, 2011 in Prague, Czech Republik

May 9-12, 2011

The World of Coal Ash Conference will be held May 9-12 in Denver, Colorado/USA.

More information

October 24-26, 2010


The XVII Conference Ashes from Power Industry will take place on 24-26 October 2010 in Warsaw in the hotel InterContinental. The conference will focus the achievements in CCP beneficiation in Poland. Full information is given with the attached invitation.

September 6-8, 2010

The International Conference on Material Science and the 64th RILEM Annual Week will be organised in September 2010 by the Institute of Building Materials Research Aachen University in cooperation with RILEM, the International Conference on Material Science and 64th RILEM Week in Aachen/Germany.

The conference will consist of three parallel sessions with papers solicited from the three thems Textiles Reinforced Concrete, Modelling of Hetergenous Materials and Additions Improving Properties of Concrete.

More information is available at


June 28-30, 2010

The "2nd International  Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies" will be held on June 28-30, 2010 in Ancona, Italy.

For more information

May 27-28, 2010

The EUROCOALASH 2010 conference will be held on May 27/28 in Copenhagen, Denmark. More information you will find with &lng=2

April 22-23, 2010

On April 22-23, 2010 the IIIrd International Scientific and Practical Workshop «Ashes from TPPs ? removal, transport, processing, landfilling» will be held in the House of Culture of Moscow Power Engineering Insitute (MPEI).

June 28-30, 2010

The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies will be held on June 28-30, 2010 In Ancona, Italy. 

October 21-24, 2009

On October 21-24, 2009, the 16th International Conference "Coal Ash Utilisation" will be held in Zakopane, POLAND.

The first announcement is attached.

More information: UPS,


June 1-3, 2009

2nd Hellenic Conference on Utilization of industrial By-Products in Construction, Aiani Kozani, Greece

Please note: This is a national conference -conference language in Greek - simultaneous translation only on June 2.

For more information:

May 4 - 7, 2009

World of Coal Ash, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

April 23 - 24, 2009

The 2nd International Scientific and Practical -Workshop "Ashes of Thermal Power plants - Removal, Transport, Processing, Landfilling will be held on April 23/24, 2009 in Moscow/Russia. The workshop is organised by the Informational and analytical center "Ecology of Power Engineering" of MPEI.

More information:

October 5-9, 2008

The EUROCOALASH conference is organized by the Polish Coal Combustion Product Union (UPS) together with representatives of European countries.

The conference will be held on October 5- 9 , 2008 in Warsaw, Poland.

For more information:

July 10, 2008

7th International Congress: Concrete - Construction's Sustainable Option, Dundee, Scotland

October 17-20, 2007

On October 17-20, 2007, the 14th International Conference "Coal Ash Utilisation" in Miedzyzdroje, POLAND.

The first announcement is attached.

More information: UPS,

pdfnews2007/1stannouncement.pdf first announcement

September 3-5, 2007

The R’07 World Congress Recovery of Materials and Energy for Resource Efficiency promotes innovative technologies and frameworks to improve material and energy efficiencies in the production, use, and recycling of materials. The congress will be held on September 3-5, 2007 at the Davos Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland.

The detailed program is available at:

July 8 - 13, 2007

12th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Montreal, Canada

More information:

June 11-13, 2007

International conference of Coventry University and UWM Center for By-products on

"Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies", Coventry,

United Kingdom

More information:

May 27 - June 1, 2007

Ninth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, Warsaw, Poland

For more information:

May 7 - 10, 2007

World of Coal Ash, Covington/Kentucky, Ohio, USA

More information:

May 7-10, 2007

World of Coal Ash, Covington/kentuky, Ohio, USA

March 23, 2007

The International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Ashes of Thermal Power Plants – Removal, Transport, Processing, Landfilling» will be held on March 23, 2007 n the Small assembly hall of Moscow Power Engineering Insitute, Moscow .
More information about the seminar is available at

November 6 - 8, 2006

13th International Conference "Ashes from Power Generation", Cracow, Poland


November 6-8. 2006

13th International Conference "Ashes from Power Generation"

October 2 - 4, 2006

International Conference on "Coal Ash - A Valuable Resource" , Pretoria,

South Africa

More information you will find via website of South African Coal Ash Association:

or with the draft programme:


September 18 - 22, 2006

10th International Symposium on Concrete Roads Brussels,


June 5-6, 2006

UWM-CBU International Symposium on Durability of Concrete Construction Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

May 31 - June 3, 2006

Eighth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology, Montreal, Canada

May 28 - June 6, 2006

Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Montreal, Canada

May 25-26, 2006

Technical Seminar "Valorization of CCPs in Europe" , Warsaw, Poland

May 15-17, 2006

AshTech 2006 International Coal Ash Technology Conference, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

April 19-21, 2006

ICCX St. Petersburg 206, International Concrete Conference and Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia, Hotel "Pulkovskaja


February 22-24, 2006

International Seminar on Processing and Use of High Calclium Fly Ash, Belchatow, Poland

December 21, 2005

JCOAL Coal Ash Utilization Symposium, Tokio, Japan

December 4-7,2005

International Congress "Fly Ash India 2005", New Delhi, India


November 24-15, 2005

Conference on "Utilisation of calcareous fly ash" , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

October 19-21, 2005

2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "Ecology in Power Engineering -2005" in Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) Moscow, Russia.


October 12-14, 2005

12. International Conference Ashes from Power Generation, Sopot, Poland

June 20-24, 2005

1st European Summer Fly Ash Workshop in _Serock, Poland.

Miore information with:


June 8-9, 2005

ECOBA Conference "Coal Combustion Products in Europe - Sustainable Materials for the Future"

On June 8/9, 2005 ECOBA is organising a conference in Brussels titled "Coal Combustion Products in Europe - Sustainable Materials for the Future".

The ECOBA conference is addressed to participants from the European Commission, power industry, cement industry, construction industry as well as from certification bodies, national authorities and others.

Specialists will report on the status of CCPs from their point of view concerning legislation, production and utilisation. Aim of the conference is to highlight the development and to further increase the utilisation of CCPs in the European countries.

The invitation to the conference is placed below. For other information to the conference please contact the ECOBA office by email (


July 5-7, 2005

6th International Congress Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities, Dundee, Scotland

Further details at:

April 11-15, 2005

World of Coal Ash: Sustainability, Applications and Science, Lexington, USA

Further details at:

January 23-24, 2005

Coaltrans Thailand - 50 Years of Coal and Lignite Development for Power Generation, Mae Moh Mine and Power Plant, Lampang, Thailand


November 4-5, 2004

UWM-CBU workshop on the "Use of fly ash and other coal combustion products in concrete and construction materials", Holiday Inn - City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

October 17 - 20, 2004

Coaltrans 2004 Barcelona

More information:

Ocotber 13-15, 2004

11th International Conference "Ashes from power Generation", Zakopane, Poland

October 5-8, 2004

7th International Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

September 13-17, 2004

21st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Osaka, Japan.

More information:

September 2-3, 2004

Clean Coal Day, Tokio, Japan

May 26-28, 2004

1st International Conferences "Ashes in Ceramic, Production of Zeolites", Krakow, Poland

May 26-29, 2004

7th CANMET/ACI International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology, Las Vegas, NV, USA

May 23-29, 2004

8th CANMET/ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, Las Vegas, NV, USA

April 25-27, 2004

3rd International Conference "Reclamation of Degraded Areas", Bogatynia, Poland

April 25-27, 2004

2nd International Conference "Co-combustion of Alternative Fuels in Power and Cement Industry", Bogytynia, Poland

March 25, 2004

CEN - Environmental Seminars - Construction, Brussels, Belgium

March 3-5, 2004

Third International Conference "Fly Ash in Concrete", Ciechocinek, Poland

February 26-27, 2004

INTERCEM Workshop on "Clinker Replacement Materials", Amsterdam, the Netherlands

November 4-5, 2004

UWM-CBU Workshop on the use of fly ash and other coal combustion products in concrete and construction materials, November 4-5, 2004 in Holiday-City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.